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Melanie Lane

Melanie Lane

CEO of Shell Recharge Solutions (SRS) Europe

Mel is the CEO of Shell Recharge Solutions (SRS) Europe, a frontrunner in driving the energy transition in mobility. SRS Europe is a 600+ person strong portfolio company of the Shell Group that provides EV solutions and services in Europe and around the globe. She is a major proponent of the energy transition having worked to build a more sustainable future across many sectors within Shell.

Mel has been managing commercial businesses within Shell for over 20 years across Asia, Australia, UK and Europe. She has headed the retail business for Shell in the UK, the aviation business for Shell across Europe and a global innovation and sustainability function based out of Singapore. She has also held a number of non-executive positions for various Shell joint ventures.

Mel has a particular interest in promoting and leveraging diversity, supporting and mentoring talented women, speaking to women’s groups in different sectors and actively participating in cross sector work on D&I. While based in Asia, she promoted leadership and thought development amongst teenagers from both local and international communities to help prepare them for the complex world of tomorrow. Mel served as a trustee of the Whitehall Industry Group, an organization which advocates cross-sector learning and understanding. She is currently a trustee of IJM.

Mel graduated from Bristol University with a BSc in social policy and politics and an MSc specializing in development economics and policy.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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